Chaotic Era is a highly-stylized grimdark action RTS, following a stranded human crew on an alien planet, with a unique, completely monochrome art direction inspired by the computer screens from movies like Alien, Blade Runner, and Starship Troopers.
It’s a game of quick decisions, devastating consequences, and endless panic as you struggle to stay alive in humanity’s hellish future. A fast-paced and unforgiving reimagining of the golden era of real-time strategy, Chaotic Era has been featured in publications like TechCrunch, Polygon, Wireframe Magazine, and more.
Wireframe Magazine
“It’s an RTS for our age, combining simple controls with complex, sometimes obscure systems, drawing on long-developing real-world anxieties and sci-fi solutions for its themes.”
Paste Magazine
“The main thing that immediately distinguishes Chaotic Era apart from its sci-fi RTS contemporaries is the game's distinctive art style; a minimalist latticework of sleek wire-frames, pulsing topographic texture maps, and white hot explosions”
"We left it all behind. Old Earth and its doomed children. Titan, Io, the floating cities of Venus. Mars' cursed wastelands..."
In the late 28th century, as the Solar System collapses, Earth’s corporate warlords launch thousands of starships in search of a new home, but the reality of deep space is far more horrifying than anyone could have imagined...
- Stunning, unique art direction
- A fresh take on classic real time strategy mechanics
- Multispecies gameplay with scenarios for each faction
- Intense, fast-paced gameplay
- Beautiful UI inspired by 80s sci-fi classics like Alien and Blade Runner
- Expansive research system unique to each faction
- A thoughtful and immersive approach to cassette futurism
- Procedurally generated planets for maximum replayability
- Challenging and innovative energy management system
BOBBY TECHNOLOGY INC. is a very small Toronto-based indie game development studio founded in 2019 by Gabriel O’Flaherty-Chan and Kevin Donnelly.TEAM
Gabriel O'Flaherty-Chan
Kevin Donnelly
July 18, 2024
$16.99 USD
PC / Mac / Steam Deck
BOBBY TECHNOLOGY INC. is a tiny two-person indie gamedev studio based in Toronto. BOBBY TECHNOLOGY has been featured on Polygon, TechCrunch, Paste Magazine, and more.
Founded by Gabriel O'Flaherty-Chan and Kevin Donnelly, BOBBY TECHNOLOGY was designed as an outlet for experimental projects inspired by a love for moody science fiction and weird video games.
Classic sci-fi and RTS themes combine in Chaotic Era (Paste Magazine)
Sleek sci-fi RTS Chaotic Era releases in early access for PC and Mac (Polygon)
Chaotic Era (Weird Fucking Games)
Chaotic Era: The Three Bobby Problem (No Cartridge Audio Podcast)
Chaotic Era Preview: A harsh RTS (Wireframe Magazine)
BOBBY TECHNOLOGY: Developer Interview (Indie Pod Podcast)
Special Guest: BOBBY TECHNOLOGY (Game Dev Field Guide Podcast)
The most promising indie video games 2021 (GameSpace)
The 21 most-anticipated indie games coming in 2021 (Polygon)
Chaotic Era's latest trailer shows travel between worlds and energy harvesting (Pocket Gamer)
Here's the first gameplay for 80s-themed sci-fi RTS Chaotic Era (Pocket Tactics)
Here's the first look at expansionist, sci-fi RTS Chaotic Era (Pocket Gamer)
Chaotic Era (Alpha Beta Gamer)
Waitlist This: Chaotic Era (Canadian Game Devs Podcast)
Emojivision app turns your iPhone’s camera into a real-time emoji painting machine (TechCrunch)